Install Docker Toolbox in Windows.Install Docker Desktop on Windows | Docker Documentation

Install Docker Toolbox in Windows.Install Docker Desktop on Windows | Docker Documentation

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How to run Docker on Windows 10 Home edition.Install Docker Toolbox on Windows 10 Home edition and mounting volume · GitHub

  Docker toolbox | Windows 10 Home | installation and mounting volume Check that your system has Virtualization enabled. Enter your machine's bios and enable the virtualization; Make sure that your Hypervisor is turned off. In Windows Search Box type Turn Windows features on or off; Make sure "Windows Hypervisor Platform" is Unchecked; Install Docker Toolbox. Feb 15,  · This is the fix for Windows 10 Home Users. Open C:\Program Files\Docker Toolbox\ with an Editor. Replace line 71 from "${DOCKER_MACHINE}" create -d virtualbox $PROXY_ENV "${VM}" to "${DOCKER_MACHINE}" create -d virtualbox --virtualbox-no-vtx-check $PROXY_ENV "${VM}" Open Docker Quickstart Terminal. Done:). Start-Process '.\win\build\Docker Desktop ' -Wait install. If using the Windows Command Prompt: start /w "" "Docker Desktop " install. The install command accepts the following flags: -quiet: suppresses information output when running the installer.    


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